How radical responsibility gives you the edge to succeed

Consistency: The Key to Taking Charge of Your Health and Fitness.

Consistency is likely the missing piece of the puzzle for why you’re not having the success you want in your health and fitness. It sounds simple, but it’s where most people fail. The key to consistency is these three pieces of our mindset: Radical Responsibility; Self Trust; Personal Integrity. Do you have all 3? 

Radical Responsibility?

Radical responsibility is about owning every aspect of your life and feeling completely in control. It’s a mindset that will have you kicking excuses to the curb and striding confidently toward your goals. You recognise that all the conditions in your life; success or failure, achieving or missing your goals; comes from you. Your thoughts, beliefs, and actions are the driving forces behind the conditions you find yourself in—good, bad, or somewhere in between. It's not about blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong but empowering yourself to create the outcomes you desire. When you know that you can create the conditions of your life, you feel empowered and in the driver's seat.

Cause vs. Effect

Let’s get scientific for a moment. For every cause, there’s an effect. If you want to feel energetic, vibrant, and healthy, you need to set the right causes in motion. That means cultivating positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions to build the habits that lead to those desired outcomes. You don’t just stumble into great health; you create it.

Cause: Thoughts, beliefs, values, and emotions
Effect: The conditions you live in (your health and energy)

When you're at the cause side of the equation, you're taking radical responsibility. You acknowledge your role in shaping your life and make empowered choices. On the effect side, life just happens to you, leaving you feeling powerless and prone to blaming others or using excuses.

Shifting to the Cause Side

Think about the last time you skipped a workout or ate a less-than-ideal meal. Were you too busy? Didn't have time to meal prep? But ask yourself, are these just excuses that keep you stuck and unable to create change because you’re abdicating responsibility and control? When we push the cause outside ourselves and use excuses, we lose control! But when we step up and take responsibility, we reclaim our power.

Here's how to check if you're on the cause side:

  • Are you responding thoughtfully to challenges, or are you reacting emotionally?

  • Do you trust yourself to handle life's ups and downs, or do you doubt your capabilities?

  • Do you learn from mistakes and see challenges as growth opportunities?

On the effect side, it's all about excuses, emotional reactivity, and a lack of self-trust. If you're blaming others or external events, you're living in a victim mindset.

Who’s in Control?

Ask yourself: Who’s in control of your life? Are you abdicating your power, or are you fully at cause, creating the life you want?


Consistency doesn’t come from just taking responsibility; it’s also about building self-trust. Many women struggle with consistency and accountability because they don’t trust themselves to follow through. Past diet failures or restrictive regimes can erode self-trust, making it hard to believe in your ability to succeed.

Self-trust looks like:

  • Staying true to your words

  • Looking after your needs

  • Treating yourself with love and compassion

  • Feeling confident that you can handle challenges

  • Sticking to personal standards and core values

Lack of self-trust looks like:

  • Feeling inadequate

  • High self-criticism

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Constantly seeking external advice

  • Fear of making wrong choices

To rebuild self-trust you need to:

  • Make small, daily promises to yourself and keep them.

  • Set realistic goals.

  • Practice self-compassion and speak kindly to yourself.

Personal Integrity

The final piece of the puzzle is self-integrity—living according to your values through your words and actions. Most women I meet don’t know why they value health and don’t even know why they’re chasing the goals they have! This is what it looks like to be living out of alignment from your self-integrity.  When you have personal integrity, you know what you want, why you want it and are willing to:

  • Uphold your values no matter what.

  • Be honest with yourself and others.

  • Lead by example.

  • Take responsibility for your actions and learn from mistakes.

Practical Steps

  1. Make a Small Daily Promise: Commit to one small, achievable action each day to build self-trust.

  2. Set Upper and Lower Limits: Aim high, but have a minimum standard to stay consistent.

  3. Check-In with Your Values: Ensure your actions align with your core beliefs and standards, not someone else's!.

Consistency Queens!

Creating consistency is your ticket to reclaiming control over your health and fitness journey. By shifting from effect to cause, building self-trust, and living with integrity, you'll not only achieve your goals but also transform your entire approach to life. So, let’s stop letting life happen to us and start making life happen for us!


Unhealthy mindsets that are keeping you stuck.