12 Week Nutrition Coaching Program | OPUS Wellness



Reclaim Your Body.

A 12 week program that will have you waving goodbye to fad diets and emotional eating, and hello to food freedom, next-level confidence and your healthiest self!


This is a whole mind-body transformation.

This is a whole mind-body transformation.

Eating Disorder Coaching Program Perth

I know you…

Because I was once just like you:

  • You’re restricting certain foods, only to binge on them later

  • You’re reaching for comfort foods when you’re bored, stressed or emotional

  • You label foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and then feel guilty when you eat said ‘bad’ foods

  • You’re in an endless cycle of dieting or ‘starting again’ on Monday

  • You regularly tell yourself ‘I just need to be more disciplined’

  • You’re an ‘all or nothing’ gal, struggling to consistently show up for your health habits

  • You’re feeling overwhelmed by conflicting health advice and unsure where to start

  • You hate looking in the mirror and have persistent negative thoughts about your body

  • You’re either always on a diet or have a ‘fuck it’ mentality towards food

  • You feel defeated and keep thinking “What’s wrong with me?”


You’re in the right place.

Binge Eating Coach Perth | Online Nutrition Program

I’ve helped 100’s of women end strict dieting, let go of food guilt and finally feel at peace with food and their body.

The women I mentor go from feeling flat, lost and believing things will never change; to feeling empowered, confident and firmly in the driver's seat of their own health.


The 12-week Reclaim Your Body Program is going to see you emerging as an entirely different woman.

This isn’t another diet plan that only focuses on what you’re eating.

It’s science backed.

It’s evidence based.

It touches on the deeper mental and emotional issues keeping you stuck.

This program will help you finally break free of endless diets and create a peaceful and empowered relationship with your body.

Just Imagine

You have true food freedom

You trust yourself around food and can keep all your favourite foods in the house, without fear of bingeing.

Your focus is adding, not taking

You feel educated & empowered to choose meals that serve your health goals and enjoy all foods guilt free. You focus on what you can ADD IN to your nutrition rather than restricting!

You feel like yourself again

Your energy and confidence are soaring because you’re finally nourishing your body and eating enough! You’re thriving and feel like yourself again.

Boundaries are easy

You’ve established boundaries around work and commitments, reducing stress and overwhelm. You now prioritise filling your cup through rest, fun and self care, along with quality time with loved ones.

Hunger is no longer a curse

You are connected to your body and honour your hunger and fullness cues. You’re working with your body rather than against it now!

Having fun is your primary goal

You effortlessly navigate meals and social events and feel in control of your food choices. You're too focused on having fun with your friends to worry about food anyway!

You’re proud of the woman in the mirror

You’re comfortable in your body and when you face the mirror, you don’t shy away from your reflection anymore. You smile confidently, proud of the woman who has complete ownership over her life.

Your inner critic is gone

You’re more resilient, facing challenges with ease. Embracing self-compassion has silenced your inner critic and you finally feel at peace in your mind.

This is not a dream; it’s your future.

By discovering the root cause of your eating habits and breaking free from diet culture, you’ll go from barely surviving, to thriving.

And when you cultivate a relationship with yourself that is based on trust and deep self-respect, big things shift.

This work will impact every area of your life.


This is not a dream; it's your future.

This is not a dream; it's your future.

I address the deepest layers of your psychology to help you make lasting change from the inside out.

This is about cultivating lifelong health and a strong mind & body, not just losing weight.

Nutrition Coach | Eating Disorder Coaching Program | Perth Binge Eating Disorder Coach

This is the exact method I’ve used to help 100s of women:

  • Find peace with food and their body

  • Ditch diet culture and labelling food as ‘good or bad’

  • Move from a restrictive approach, to viewing food as fuel & a tool to support their health

  • View their health more holistically, rather than just a number on the scales

  • Look at their body as something to nourish and care for, rather than punish and neglect.

  • Find their best body & health effortlessly


12 Week Nutrition Coaching Program | OPUS Wellness


Plus, 7 course bonuses


Valued at $99

To celebrate your growth through the program and set you up for success to continue making changes!

Valued at $297

3 recorded modules on success mindset, limiting beliefs and body image, to get you thinking in the right direction before the program starts

Valued at $540

A structured 12 week strength & cardio training program to support your health & body through the Reclaim Your Body program!

Valued at $99

Eat with Intention Guide with recipe inspiration and content to support mindful eating practices.


You’ll be partnered with another woman in the program to keep each other accountable and provide ongoing support

Valued at $99

A finalised workbook with all the integration resources for ongoing transformation after the program!

Valued at $249

Wrap up the program with an online check-in form and personalised feedback from Tarryn to set you up for success once the program is finished!


Don’t believe you can do it?


Reclaim Your Body Program Testimonials | Eating Disorder Support
Eating Disorder Help | Online Health Coach | Wholistic Health Coach
Nutrition Coach | Health and Wellness Coaching Program
Eating Disorder Help | Online Health Coach | Wholistic Health Coach
Nutrition Coach | Eating Disorder Coaching Program | Perth Binge Eating Disorder Coach
Binge Eating Coach Perth | Online Nutrition Program
Nutrition Coach | Eating Disorder Coaching Program | Perth Binge Eating Disorder Coach

Reclaim Your Body is...


✓ Ready to stop binge or emotional eating but are unsure where to start.

✓ Struggling to trust yourself around food & can’t keep 'bad' foods in the house.

✓ Think about food or your body 24/7

✓ Begin each day with good intentions but end up overeating anyway & feel guilty.

✓ Always waiting for the right time or your discipline to kick in.

✓ Ready to prioritise your relationship to food, over weight loss

✓ Ready  to shatter your limiting beliefs & let go of diet culture rules.

✓ Prepared to take radical responsibility for your actions and show up for yourself.

✓ Open to support from someone who’s faced the same struggles, knowing you don’t have to do it alone.


✘ Not ready to let go of food rules & restrictions

✘ Not open to developing a more positive relationship to your body

✘ More focused on weight loss than healing your relationship with food and your body

✘ Unwilling to explore the root causes of your food and body struggles, such as underlying emotions & beliefs

✘ Seeking a quick fix, rather than committing to sustainable lifestyle change.

✘ Looking for a meal plan or macro target, instead of gaining the education & tools to make informed decisions for yourself.

✘ Easily discouraged; this course challenges you to step outside your comfort zone & create significant change

✘ Managing an active eating disorder. Please consult with your Doctor or treatment team before engaging in this content.


When you tune out diet culture and tune into your body, you’ll make empowered food decisions aligned with your health goals. 

When you respect your body, you’ll commit to your health because it matters to you, not out of obligation.

Empower your body.

Elevate your confidence.

Transform your life.


OPUS Wellness Eating Disorder Coach For Women
500+ women
OPUS Wellness | Bachelor's Degree Psychology & Counselling
Psychology & Counselling
OPUS Wellness | Health and Wellness Coaching Program

10+ years
Health & Wellness Coach | Weight Management Coach


Hey, I’m Tarryn.

I’m here to help you build unwavering body confidence, a balanced relationship with food and discover your best health and body with ease.

I was once just like you.

I’ve faced the intense struggles of disordered eating and body shame.

In my 20’s, I battled an eating disorder. I used it as a way to manage my emotions, perfectionism, and low self-worth. Years of obsessive body preoccupation, rigid food rules, and chronic restriction consumed me, and drained my energy and happiness.

But I realised this was no way to live. And if I didn’t break free, I would be trapped in these destructive cycles forever. So, I made a powerful decision to break free from diet culture, let go of all food rules and confront the emotions driving my eating habits.

And I promise you can have this too.

You just have to want more for yourself. 

My mission is to teach you everything I discovered on my path to find food freedom and true self confidence.

Are you ready to take the next step?



Live Nutrition Workshops | Nutrition Coaching Perth | Best Online Nutrition Coach

Educational Content

12 weeks of LIVE workshops where we will work through evidence-based content on the foundations of nutrition, neuroscience and mindset. All workshops will educate and empower you to create immediate change and heal your relationship with food. PLUS, you’ll have lifetime access to these workshops!

Eating Disorder Coach Online

Integration Resources

Weekly tools, templates & resources to turn your new knowledge into action, promoting lasting change through repetition and consistency. Learn to regulate your emotions and have clarity on your mindset & triggers so you can feel confident to walk away from diets for good.

Live Nutrition Workshops | Nutrition Coaching Perth | Best Online Nutrition Coach

Nutrition Fundamentals

I know the scariest part is feeling out of control around food, but my nutrition fundamentals will be your backbone through the 12 weeks and beyond! You will have all the knowledge and support as you give up restrictive eating, gain food freedom and trust yourself to make decisions around food.

Online Nutrition Coach | Online Health and Wellness Coaching

1:1 Support

Get personalised support every week with your 1:1 online check-in! I'll offer feedback on your progress, mentor you through challenges, and keep you accountable as you build consistency. I will support you every step of the way.

Perth Nutrition Coach | Health and Wellness Coaching
Nutrition Workshops | Nutrition Coaching Perth | Best Online Nutrition Coach


The 12-week Reclaim Your Body Program is going to see you emerging as an entirely different woman.

It’s science backed.

It’s evidence based.

It touches on the deeper mental and emotional issues keeping you stuck.

This program will help you finally break free of endless diets and create a peaceful and empowered relationship with your body.

    • 12 weeks of workshops, held LIVE on Tuesdays via ZOOM

      • 10 x education trainings covering nutrition, mindset & your nervous system - all the knowledge you need to end emotional eating & have body confidence

      • 2 x group coaching calls - to integrate the learnings of the education workshops and be coached LIVE through any challenges & roadblocks you’re facing

    • Weekly online check in with personalised feedback to keep you accountable.

    • Access to exclusive Facebook Group for ongoing community support and connection

    • Your own Reclaim Your Body journal to track your progress & changes through the program

    • LIFETIME access to the Reclaim Your Body workshops, so you can reflect back whenever you need


AU $999.00

One-time payment


AU $99.00 per week

12x weekly payments


Please note: Reclaim Your Body is application-only and spots are limited each round to guarantee you the coaching and support required to completely transform your relationship to food and your body.

  • "Trusting Tarryn and the process has been instrumental in achieving these positive changes."

    Tarryn has helped me change my mindset towards building a healthy relationship with food. She has helped me shift away from previous unsuccessful diet fads and instead has helped me to embrace nourishment over deprivation. I now prioritise balanced meals and regular eating patterns, to help rebuild my metabolism and restore a natural, sustainable approach to eating that is maintainable long term. Despite eating more than ever before, I've successfully lost weight and experienced additional benefits such as reduced headaches and increased energy levels. Trusting Tarryn and the process has been instrumental in achieving these positive changes.

    – Jess, NSW

  • "I feel stronger, I feel healthier, I feel more confident within myself. That is what I love the most!"

    My entire relationship with food has changed. I no longer look at foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. I don’t feel guilty after eating certain foods now because nothing is off limits. I was stuck in a pattern of yo-yo dieting for years and I tried every fad diet out there. Food doesn’t rule my life anymore! For years, I solely focused on trying to lose weight. I never looked past the surface. I now realise that bettering myself is so much more than just looking a certain way. It’s about how I feel. I feel stronger, I feel healthier, I feel more confident within myself. That is what I love the most!

    – Ash, WA.

  • "I can honestly say I love the person I have become"

    I trust myself now. I trust my body. I trust my choices. I can do hard things and I believe I can achieve whatever I put my mind to. I am kind to myself and can honestly say I love the person I have become.

    – Mich, WA

  • "In summary, Tarryn has changed me"

    When I first met Tarryn I had an unhealthy relationship with food. I would survive on salads and 2 minute noodles to try to stay slim. I believed low fat, low calorie foods were the only way. I now eat 2000 calories everyday of healthy nutritious food! Tarryn has helped me change a decades long bad habit of eating rubbish and not feeding my body as it deserves. I’ve never been as confident in myself and my appearance. I’m strong and healthy and my outlook towards my appearance is better than in my 30s. In summary, Tarryn has changed me. I look and feel better, my health, my sleep and my body confidence have all improved!

    – Rebecca, WA

  • "Tarryn has shown me that a big component of my personal journey is learning to nourish my body, mind and soul"

    When I first started working with Tarryn, I had a very distorted view of thinking in relation to exercise and weight loss. Tarryn has shown me that a big component of my personal journey is learning to nourish my body, mind and soul. I am now eating (and preparing!) balanced meals and have learnt about the importance of establishing a regular eating routine. I am more mindful of what I give my time and energy to and now prioritise rest, recovery and resetting myself - all skills that Tarryn has patiently taught me.

    – Cassie, QLD.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our next intake begins in January 2025. This is when the LIVE coaching calls begin, but you’ll be connected to the community and have access to the supporting resources before so you can feel prepared and ready!

  • The LIVE workshop calls will take place weekly on Tuesdays at 530pm AWST.

  • Workshop replays will be available within 24 hours. If you can’t make the two group coaching calls, there will be an opportunity to submit a question beforehand that will be answered on the call.

  • There are two payment options; either a once off payment of $999 or 12 weekly direct debits of $99. 

  • We believe that meal plans are just diets in disguise so you won’t receive them in Reclaim Your Body. This program builds the foundation for you to have confidence in choosing meals that serve your health, energy and goals and feel empowered to trust your own decisions and what is right for you.

  • There may be unintentional weight loss from being more consistent and creating a greater relationship to food, but this course is not designed specifically for weight loss. It’s likely that you have tried many times to lose weight and can’t seem to get or maintain the results you want. And that tells me your foundation is shaky and your approach is not sustainable. This course lays the foundation so you have the mindset, tools and skills to be able to achieve and maintain weight loss easily in the future. But without first working on your relationship to food, dropping diet culture beliefs, and your all or nothing approach, you’ll likely keep going in circles with your health and body goals.

  • Tarryn completed a Bachelor of  Psychology and Counselling (2010) and went on to complete certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Timeline Therapy (2018), Applied Neuroscience & IFS (2021) and Precision Nutrition Coaching (2014). Tarryn has over 10 years experience as a Personal Trainer and 6 years as a practicing Counsellor and Mindset Coach; supporting women to break free from diet culture, end emotional eating and have freedom and confidence in their body and mind.

Reclaim Your Body Online Course | Nutrition Course Online

Still unsure? I totally understand. It can be scary investing in yourself, especially if you’ve tried every diet imaginable and never had any lasting change.

Reclaim Your Body stands out by diving deep into not just the ‘how to’ (steps for change), but the 'who' (you), the 'why' (your reasons), and the 'what' (root causes) to ensure lasting transformation.

I’m here to help, so let’s chat.

Either email me your questions or click through to book a time to talk.