Binge Eating Coaching | Body Image Coaching Perth


Ditch dieting for good and finally feel confident in your body.

Unlock food freedom, consistent health habits & next level body confidence with the ultimate support of 1:1 mentoring.

The final step to completely healing your relationship with food and your body.

1:1 Mindset, body image and binge eating coaching.


Emotional Eating → Food Freedom

Body Dissatisfaction → Body Appreciation

Expect a transformation that encompasses the whole you, not just your health & body.

Binge Eating Disorder | Emotional Eating Coach Online

This is not another “how to”, five step cookie cutter process to get you “the body of your dreams in just 6 short weeks”...

This is a deep dive on your health and wellness to address the root causes of your binge or emotional overeating and to make peace with your inner critic that’s currently running the show.

If you’re ready to:
Reduce food and body obsession
Curb emotional eating & bring mindfulness to the table
Cultivate a relationship with your body that is founded on deep self respect

An entirely new phase in your life

An entirely new phase in your life

This is the launchpad for an entirely new phase in your life.



Online Nutrition Coach | Nutrition Coaching
    • Understand the science behind how food fuels your physical body, as well as your mental and emotional health.

    • Learn your hunger & fullness cues and eat in alignment with them - start listening to your body again!

    • Build personal nutrition non-negotiables that suit your lifestyle & goals.

    • Feel totally at peace with previous trigger foods and feel in control of your eating habits.

    • Trust & feel confident in your nutrition decisions.

    This is all about education & guidance for you to feel empowered to make the right decisions for your goals and lifestyle, at all times. It’s time to rely on your own wisdom, instead of following a plan.

Mindset Coach | Online Mindset Coaching
    • Get clear on your definition of health and embrace habits that reflect your values - live to your own standards, not someone else's!

    • Understand why you’ve struggled with your health or weight - we’ll delve deeper into the food rules and diet culture beliefs keeping you stuck and finally let them go.

    • Build resilience and radical accountability by showing up for yourself consistently and learning how to move through challenges!

    • Cultivate deep confidence and build self trust through every change you make in your behaviour and habits.

    This process is about connecting to your highest health identity; the woman who has the health and body you desire, who embodies the health values & habits that align with her goals and consistently shows up for herself. Each choice you make will bring you closer to being the confident and in control woman you desire to be.

Emotional Eating Coach | Emotional Eating Support Perth
    • Bring self awareness to the emotions that lead to your overeating cycles & build new coping resources.

    • Understand the basics of neuroscience and how to work WITH your body instead of against it. It’s time to move your body out of flight or fight!

    • Cultivate self compassion and self love and ditch your inner critic once and for all!

    This stage is about noticing the different patterns of stress, frustration, exhaustion, sadness or anxiety that instantly have you reaching for food. And then building new coping resources that don’t involve using food for distraction or comfort. Get ready to finally release the control that food has had over you for years!

Weight Management Coach | Weight Loss Coach Online | Online Health Coach
  • You’ll receive a tailored exercise program for your goals, including strength and cardio sessions. But more importantly…

    • Let go of perfectionism and bring joy back to your training to achieve long term consistency

    • Foster body awareness and appreciation for what your body can do, versus only what it looks like

    • Practice self compassion when you choose to rest and recover - say goodbye to guilt trips & your inner critic.

    (Happy with your current training? No problem! The real transformation happens through our deep work on your mindset and relationship with food. The training program is just a bonus if you need it!) 


Personal ZOOM Sessions

Fortnightly or monthly 60min ZOOM calls, depending on level of support needed (In-person sessions available for Perth clients)

Weekly Online Check-Ins

Weekly online check-ins for accountability, support & feedback

Whatsapp Support

Direct access to me via Whatsapp Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Personalised Resources

A personalised toolbox with resources to support your journey

Binge Eating Coach Online | Eating Disorder Coach Near Me


✘ Yo-yo dieting & feeling restricted by food rules.

✘ Controlling your weight, hating your body & jumping on the scales daily.

✘ Using food to self soothe & constantly emotional binge eating.

✘ Body checking & feeling uncomfortable no matter what you’re wearing.

✘ Lacking consistency and starting again every Monday.


✓ Full trust & confidence in your food choices.

✓ Ditching the scales and defining your self-worth by who you are & what you bring to the world. Hello queen!

✓ Handling life's challenges with grace, confidence, and composure. You run the show.

✓ You look in the mirror and can genuinely smile at your reflection – a woman with confidence.

✓ Consistently showing up for yourself & feeling empowered.

What makes my coaching different?

What makes my coaching different?

I address the deepest layers of your psychology to help you make lasting change from the inside out.

This is about cultivating lifelong health and a strong mind & body, not just losing weight.

Emotional Eating Support | Emotional Eating Coach Perth

This is the exact method I’ve used to help 100s of women:

  • Find peace with food and their body

  • Ditch diet culture and labelling food as ‘good or bad’

  • Move from a restrictive approach, to viewing food as fuel & a tool to support their health

  • View their health more holistically, rather than just a number on the scales

  • Look at their body as something to nourish and care for, rather than punish and neglect.

  • Find their best body & health effortlessly

OPUS Wellness | Nutrition Coaching Online | Binge Eating Disorder
  • "Now nutrition is a joy, a fuel that moves my body, builds my strength, and sustains me through the pressures of life"

    A strong body has gifted me a resilient mind, and a happy spirit! Training & nutrition used to seem like hard core disciplines to me, something that must be forced on to my body to push it into shape. Now nutrition is a joy, a fuel that moves my body, builds my strength, and sustains me through the pressures of life. My body image is now, look what I can do with this incredible vessel! I am strong, I am capable, whereas before I was obsessed with being the smallest version of myself, as if to hide myself from the world.

    – Michelle, WA.

  • "I now feel empowered to become more conscious, confident and be the best version of myself that I can be"

    My relationship to my body and health has significantly improved, I have a far better understanding of how to put myself first and what I can do to ensure that I am prepared and well-equipped for whatever comes my way. I no longer panic about overeating or eating the wrong foods. You have helped me improve my mindset by getting to the “why” of what was holding me back. I now feel empowered to become more conscious, confident and be the best version of myself that I can be.

    – Cass, WA

  • "You have given me the foundation to really work on my overall relationship with nutrition, health and fitness"

    I love the mantra of 'slower is faster', which has helped my mindset so much. My relationship with my body is ongoing, and I have learnt to forget all these 'quick fixes' so I can establish a positive relationship with nutrition and training. I cannot expect to have a good mindset and overall happiness if I continue to be hard on myself. Honestly Tarryn, I cannot thank you enough for this incredible opportunity. You have given me the foundation to really work on my overall relationship with nutrition, health and fitness.

    – Suzi, QLD

  • "I can show up better for myself and loved ones"

    Tarryn helped me shift old stories & beliefs (that I didn't even know were there, let alone understand the impact they were having on my life). Through working with Tarryn I have so much more confidence and I can handle challenges with so much more ease. I also now honour and love parts of me that I used to dislike and I can show up better for myself and loved ones.

    – Amy, NSW

  • "I view my body now as something to take care of and nourish from the inside out"

    I’ve gone from someone who would restrict / binge / not take care of their body, to no longer having stress around food choices and I enjoy eating a wide variety without any guilt. I view my body now as something to take care of and nourish from the inside out. I strongly believe this is a direct result of your support and holistic approach to health.

    – Mel, WA

  • "My experience was amazing!"

    My experience was amazing! Tarryn created a safe space to be open & honest. She helped me understand a number of things about myself and gave me the tools to manage certain emotions better. I've also learnt the power of journaling and felt a shift in my confidence and outlook! Tarryn really makes you understand certain emotions and personality traits you may have. She gets down to the root of it all and works through it to help create a better understanding of why you may feel/act/be a certain way.

    – Tracy, WA

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1:1 Coaching ranges from $400-$550 per month depending on the level of support you require. This investment includes fortnightly or monthly 60 minute sessions, weekly check-ins with feedback, plus Whatsapp support Monday to Friday. 

  • Depending on the level of support you require, you will have either fortnightly or monthly, 60 minute sessions.

  • Our first priority will be healing your relationship to food and your body and eliminating binge or emotional eating. Once you’ve built a better mindset and consistent approach to your health, I am happy to support you in achieving body composition or weight loss goals in a healthy and sustainable way.

  • I do both! I run sessions from my home office in Perth or if you live too far away or are interstate or international, I run online ZOOM sessions.

  • Tarryn completed a Bachelor of  Psychology and Counselling (2010) and went on to complete certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Timeline Therapy (2018), Applied Neuroscience (2021) and Precision Nutrition Coaching (2014). Tarryn has over 10 years experience as a Personal Trainer and 6 years as a practicing Counsellor and Mindset Coach; supporting women to break free from diet culture, end binge and emotional eating and have freedom and confidence in their body and mind.

  • I work with everyone! I’ve worked with women all over the world, that’s the benefits of working online. My 1:1 sessions are Wednesday to Friday from 8am to 5pm AWST. 

Binge Eating Coaching | Body Image Coaching Perth

Are you ready to unlock food freedom, find consistency in your health habits & rock next level confidence?